An easy run east
09 December 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
We were up and off the docks before dawn on Sunday to get a jump on the day. It was still and calm, and we set a record for ease of leaving the dock. With the sky lightening and not a breath of wind Regenero stood like a patient mount while we cast off all the lines and eased out of the slip. With the waxing moon hanging low in the western sky, and the sun a promise below the eastern horizon we begin our day. The seas are nearly flat, with a slight ocean swell that eventually makes its way in on the beam. Mostly 4-5 foot with a few 8’s thrown in for good measure. The winds start out too light for sailing, but they eventually fill in and we hoist all sail….to a northwest breeze…Yes, I said North WEST. Which is nearly unheard of in the land of Easterly trades…But we will happily take what we can get and so enjoy the passage east. We pass Christmas Cove, and unfortunately there is no room at the inn, so we continue on to Francis Bay, St. John. After 7 hours, and just under 60 miles we were happily moored in a calm bay, with crystalline waters - now this is why we love cruising. So while we love PR, and had a wonderful time with our friends there…we are happy to be back on the water with no plans for tomorrow, or the next day.
We watched a shooting star and a few satellites show up before enjoying the Moon rise over St. John. The most strenuous thing we attempted on Monday was a haircut for Jim, then an hour or so swimming in the gorgeous water, before relaxing with a book, a radio, and a few mending projects and another night of star watching. As it is early in the season the constellations are not quite in their most common positions, so we are challenged with remembering what was where, but eventually it comes back. We are certainly enjoying the relaxation and beginning the season.
I called into the office yesterday to check in with my friends…but mostly to remind them I still had my eye on them, and they needed to do the 2pm stretch. Took a lot of flak, but it was still fun to laugh with everyone. I miss you goofballs!
And today is more of the same…although we did get the generator running, and so now are charging all our goodies. Thinking about kayaking…..maybe tomorrow.