Off to banda whoops we ended up in pisang Getting towed again by Azzan this time
17 January 2014
.We left misool in the morning to cruise down to ambon with Veedon Fleece who left from another anchorage about 15 miles away we sailed out and promptly ran out of wind where we sat going nowhere all day while they had good wind and unknowingly sailed off till they later found out our plight and it was impractical to come and help us although they did offer (aren’t some fellow cruisers wonderful people ) So we sat there with no wind but the flipside of it was watching lots of huge sperm whales cruise past us while we sat on a glassy sea going Azzan kindly changed their plans and came out and towed us till we got some wind in the middle of the night and could sail our selves but not in the direction we were initially heading but to the papua coast which ended up a wonderful detour we will just have to do banda another day