Ash And Cam hamming it up again

17 January 2014
At one time they had half a dozen of these sea snails crawling on them till I told them I could see one pooping on cams cheek all of a sudden it wasn’t so much fun any more
Vessel Name: RELAPSE
Vessel Make/Model: Young 50
Hailing Port: Auckland New Zeland
Crew: Mark Catherine Ash Cameron
Hi we are a family of 4, Ash 11 and Cameron 10. We had a taste of cruising in 2005 on a 35 footer for six months in Fiji. Loved it and want to do it again so Dad (Mark) is building a bigger boat to go further and for longer this time. [...]
Extra: Well its 2016 now and relapse is back home in New Zealand after about 17,000 miles ash is 16 cam 14 and catherine well im not allowed to say we had a great time but its back to normal now for a while thanks for following regards mark


Who: Mark Catherine Ash Cameron
Port: Auckland New Zeland