Short summary on to darwin
18 January 2014

Well it was time to split from the pack and head off to Darwin Veedon Fleece and Azzan were going east round cape York (to difficult for us with out an engine ) They towed us out of the harbor and we set sail for Darwin about 450 miles away we setteled into a watch system of 1 hour on 3 hours off as we still didn’t have an auto pilot it was hand steer all the way and the boys did a great job getting up a 3 in the morning and sailing the boat all by them selves with no one else awake they steered and when the spotted a ships light or any thing would take a bearing on it to see if it was an issue only waking me if it was going to be close a great achievement and im very proud of them and Catherine we made a quick trip across doing 200 plus miles a dau until Bathurst island where the wind deserted us and we went backwards for 6 hours with the tide in the afternoon a bit of breeze started us off in the right direction again . We sailied thru the Vernon islands with the wind dropping till we got to within at 3 am we had managed to get within 16 miles of Darwin where we had to get the dingy in the water and push ourselves to Darwin before the tide changed and pushed us back out to sea again
note : When we were in tual we brought a generator to help us with our power woes as we couldn’t charge our batteries with no engine
I will add some pics etc of the last part when I get them and finish off the blog shortly
Thanks for taking an interest in our journey hope you enjoyed it we certainly did if anyone or boats would like some more detail on these places e mail us on put in the subject line : RE BLOG INFO so we know its not spam
Regards the relapse crew
Mark Catherine Ash and Cameron