Roaring Girl

The adventures of the yacht Roaring Girl wandering the seas.

12 August 2013 | Ipswich, England
17 July 2012
16 July 2012
10 July 2012
05 July 2012
03 July 2012
03 July 2012
03 July 2012
02 July 2012 | Shanghai (high up!)
02 July 2012 | Shanghai (high up!)
02 July 2012 | Shanghai (high up!)
02 July 2012
02 July 2012 | Shanghai
01 July 2012
01 July 2012 | Moganshan Lu, Shanghai

Geology moment

08 January 2008 | Kaikoura peninsula
Kaikoura peninsula was an island, created by limestone escarpments pushed skywards by tectonic action. It's directly on the faultline between the Pacific and the Indo-Australian plates, and is being pushed upwards by about 10mm a year. Erosion keeps the heights roughly constant. Silted gravel has created the narrow spit which now connects to the mainland.
Folded limestone created the great plates that jut out into the sea, the rocks that encircle the coast and the vertiginous cliffs. It is full of nutrients, so plants can flourish even in tiny cracks of the rocks where they get hit by salt spray and baked in the hot sun of this dry east coast.
The beaches alternate between the black of volcanic dust and the blinding white of limestone, all littered with rubble, boulders, strands and tangles of bull kelp and innumerable balls of seaweed. Your steps clatter and rustle between sand, shingle, and the popping of the weed, a little like unwrapping accompanied by stress relief sessions with bubble wrap.
Vessel Name: Roaring Girl
Vessel Make/Model: Maxi 120
Hailing Port: Ipswich
Crew: Pip Harris and Sarah Tanburn
About: Captain Sarah and Chief Engineer/Mate Pip moved on board in 2003 and finally made the break in 2006. Roaring Girl, launched in 1977, has already been round the world once, and has a lot more seamiles than the two of us put together.
Extra: These pages aim to bring you our adventures as they happen, as well as Roaring Girl's sailing prowess. And to show off Pip's silverwork as well.

Who we are

Who: Pip Harris and Sarah Tanburn
Port: Ipswich