Update from Seanna
20 October 2011 | Kemah
We finished the Starboard side chainplates today. That was quite an accomplishment and we are both happy about that. We also me with Steve at Sea Tech systems today and picked up our Packet Modem, our weather fax software, and a book titled " Spanish for Cruisers". The modem will attach to our SSB radio so we can send and receive e-mail on our high frequency radio while at sea and away from wi-fi. We also ordered a wi-fi antenna that is supposed to receive wi-fi signals from up to 7 miles away. Living on a boat has really made us good wi-fi thiefs.
We will start a new project tomorrow, we are going to begin installing all or our electronics. We have decided to enclose a bookshelf on the starboard side. Within this enclosure will be our SSB radio, our VHF radio, the modem, a GPS, and the ever important stereo.
I caught a nice speckled sea trout this evening, so we'll have fish for dinner tomorrow. We are getting better at living on a boat everyday. It's very different than land based living, but I wouldn't trade it for a thing. Our biggest problem right now is with all of the boat projects and supplies, the boat is a mess. I seem to handle chaos better than Robyn. Of course she is used to following me around and cleaning up behind me.
I couldn't ask for a better mate on the boat. Robyn has pitched in and really got into working on the boat. She has also had some awesome ideas to make our life easier and the boat more efficient. She is also the boat chef. She has cooked most of our meals on the boat with limited resources and I think I am still gaining weight. After dinner the other night, she wanted to bake some cookies but the oven didn't work. I worked on it for an hour or so, and the new stove should be delivered any day.
We have an appointment with Triad Marine tomorrow. They are going to re-certify our liferaft. The neat thing will be that we will get to see it inflated, and if the CO2 bottle needs hydro tested, then Robyn will get to actually deploy the raft by pulling on the ripcord.
There's a good chance that we will have Seanna seaworthy within the next ten days or so. We are very anxious to go sailing. Yesterday we took a day off from the boat and went to Freeport Texas to look at their new marina. It is 41 nautical miles offshore from the Galveston jetty to the Freeport jetty. We have decided that that should make a nice shakedown cruise. I hope we can do that before Thanksgiving. Well after a long day working on Seanna, I think I'll go to bed. Good night from Seanna.