Starting our New Year on Seanna
01 January 2012 | Kemah Texas
Well we've started off the new year on Seanna. We left Oklahoma yesterday afternoon and went to Lewisville Texas to pick up our new inflatable dinghy. We spent the night in Corsicana and got up early this morning and got to Seanna around 9:00 AM.
We still have a lot to do to get Seanna ready to cruise, but we have 60 days to get it done and I think we'll be ok. The new electrical panel and the solar panels are the two biggest jobs we have to do. There is still a lot of varnishing to do, and we'll get what we can before we go. Some people say all cruising is, is working on your boat in exotic places. So, we will finish the varnishing in some exotic location.
Our biggest challenge right now is fitting all of the stuff we feel like we can't live without. Seanna is only 37 feet. We may have to go to the marine store tomorrow and buy a boat stretcher. When we loaded our Jeep for this final trip to Seanna, there wasn't room enough to fit another thing. We had 2 sail bags and the dinghy on the roof. The front seats would just barely slide back enough for leg room. We looked like the Beverly Hillbilly on vacation. Robyn said all we lacked was a rocking chair and a mattress. I have no idea where we would have put those.
We have already moved two cart loads of stuff from the car to the boat and we are pooped. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. It is looking like a short nap and a game of scrabble is in our very near future.
The weather is pretty nice here, but it is windy, and I think a cold front will be bring much colder weather. It has to be warmer than Oklahoma though. When we left Guthrie yesterday, it was very nice. I think it was in the low 70s. Heck that is a nice day here in Kemah this time of year.
As we were almost ready to leave my Grand Ma's yesterday, Steve Switzer called and asked if we would meet them on the highway as we passed by Edmond. We met Steve and his wife Phylis and I am positive it the car had not been so loaded down, Steve would have been a stow away. But we wiped away his tears and promised him he could come to Seanna anytime he wants. I think that made him feel a little better.
I still think it is time for a nap and some scrabble, so I'll close for now. Happy New Years to all of our friends and family.