Two more weeks...
15 February 2012 | Kemah, Texas, USA
Robyn has gone back to Oklahoma for a week to see family before we go. While she is away, I still have a lot to do to get ready. Yesterday, I spent most of the day sewing. I made a cover for the liferaft and outboard dinghy motor, and put up a rail to secure all of our jerry cans. We will be carrying ten gallons of diesel, ten of gasoline, and ten gallons of water on deck. We have a hundred gallon diesel tank and a hundred gallon water tank on Seanna, but the extra diesel is incase we have to motor very much crossing the Gulf, and I wanted some extra water in case we had a problem with the onboard water tank and also in case we have to abandon ship.
Today I will work on our depth transducer and wire up the watermaker. I also need to pickle the watermaker as we just put in a new membrane and I want it preserved until we get into the Gulf. We are still on schedule to leave around the first of March. Within the next ten days or so, we will start looking for a weather window for our crossing. It will probably take about six days to cross the Gulf and we sure would like to have a nice sail. I hate motoring, and Robyn hates sailing in a lot of wind. We need to pick up about a hundred miles of Easting and with the prevalent winds being from the East, we will need at least a day or two of winds from either the South or the West to make it a nice sley ride. I wouldn't mind some Noth wind, but usually the winds from the North are a little too strong, and bring unsettled weather.
Well I better get to work on Seanna so I have something to show Robyn when she gets back.