Our last days in Port Fourchon
23 March 2012 | Port Fourchon, Louisiana
We have been in Port Fourchon for over a week now. This really isn't a good place for yachters. P.F. is more of an industrial port. We have spent the week getting some things done to Seanna that we need before our next offshore leg.
When we got here, the marina wanted $37 per night and we have negotiated (worn them down) the fee down to $20 per night. Tonight we will move Seanna over to a "safe harbor" dock in preparation to go offshore either Saturday or Sunday morning. The safe harbor dock is owned by the Port Fourchon Port Authority and will be at no cost to us. We are really ready for a free night. The stay in Fourchon has been devastating on our cruising budget. The good news though is we should be able to anchor out most of the time from here on, and that will save a lot of money. While here, we bought a generator, had our auto pilot repaired, and had our alternator checked out. We also bought four new fenders to protect Seanna better than our old fenders.
So, our next leg will be a 140 mile offshore run to Biloxi, Mississippi. From there we plan to go to Pensacola, then to Tampa Bay, and on to Key West. We will be staying in Tampa for a while visiting family, and just hanging out. I look to be in Tampa around the first of the month. Just getting around the Mississippi Delta will be a huge goal accomplished. It's hard to believe we left Kemah 23 days ago, and we are still in Louisiana. The days do go by fast though. We are just ready to say goodbye to Louisiana and her mosquitoes.
Our next blog post should be from Mississippi. Wish us luck, this will be our first offshore trip with just the two of us on Seanna.