Port Fourchon to Biloxi
31 March 2012 | Biloxi, Mississippi
Lester, edited by Robyn
We arrived in Biloxi Monday after our passage from Port Fourchon. This was our first solo passage, and it went very well. We were very glad to leave after nine days in what Robyn named, "Port Crappy". We departed under clear skies and light winds. It was just an absolutely beautiful day. Unfortunately, we had to motor sail all of the way due to either the winds being too light, or on the nose. The drone of the engine was really tedious and nerve-wracking. There were still a lot of oil platforms to weave through, but I believe our previous experience helped with the jitters and fear of sailing through them.
We had been under-way about four hours, and Robyn was sleeping in the cockpit when I had to wake her up. "Robyn, wake up, we are about to be boarded by the Coast Guard." I happened to hear a boat behind us, and when I turned around, there was the USCG. They called us on the radio and told us they were going to board our vessel. Before boarding, they asked if we had any weapons. We told them we did. They asked how many, what kind, and where they were located. I answered, and they then told us to stay in the cockpit until they were aboard. These were very young men with very big guns! We complied!
Robyn continued to drive while the boarding officer in charge and I went below for the inspection. I pointed to the V-birth where the guns were located. He said the weapons would not need to be unloaded and secured since we could do our business in the main salon. They asked for our Vessel Documentation and our passports. While the Officer In Charge was looking over our papers, another young man conducted a safety inspection. We passed everything without any violations. These guys were so professional and courteous. It was an absolute pleasure having them aboard Seanna.
Robyn was able to take a few pictures while our guests were on board. I'm not too sure they are used to people being so excited about a boarding. We have the most respect and gratitude for our Coast Guard. I thought Robyn was going to invite them for lunch. I also think part of Robyn's excitement was the fact that they inspected us this passage instead of our last one. On our last passage, we had departed Sabine Pass in such a hurry because of the mosquitoes, that the boat was severely trashed. Robyn had Seanna spotless for this passage. Immediately after they departed, Robyn called Brittani, her daughter, to tell her what happened. You see, we have been trying to get her to join the USCG.
The Gulf waters from Sabine Pass to Port Fourchon was a very pretty green. You couldn't help but notice the influence the Mississippi River had on the Gulf waters around the Mississippi Delta. The water was the color of an "Oklahoma farm pond". We were welcomed into the Mississippi Sound by dolphins. I don't know that we will ever tire of seeing these amazing creatures.
After anchoring, a quick dinner of nachos, eleven hours of sleep, and coffee that morning, we were ready to meet a new day in Biloxi. We put together the dinghy. We had only assembled it once before, and it took an hour. Today, it was much quicker and easier. I tied the dinghy to Seanna, and went about getting ready to go to town.
Then, disaster struck! I went up on deck, and to my horror, the dinghy was drifting away! I panicked, and Robyn couldn't control her laughter. I really think she was just terribly relieved that it was me, Captain Lester The Magnificent, that screwed up. I told her it wasn't funny, and I was afraid the dinghy was going to drift out into the Gulf never to be seen again! Oh my gosh! That made it worse! At that point, she was totally out of control with laughter. Finally, after being stranded on Seanna for days and days, two fishermen passed close by and retrieved our dinghy for us. Next time it happens, I'm not even going to tell her. (Robyn) Lester, that is too big of an embellishment - it was only five minutes before those fishermen came along. I understand that, to you, it felt like days and days!
We finally were ready to head to the harbor. We wanted to park the dinghy for the day and tour Biloxi. The harbor master seemed a little reserved, but told us where we could park. After chatting for a few minutes, we told him we were from Guthrie, Oklahoma. Then this new, most friendly person you will ever meet, proceeded to tell us that he retired from a company in Oklahoma City. We must have visited for an hour. He told us of a few good places to eat, and then gave us the best present we could have gotten from him. "Folks, the showers are on the second floor of the Port Authority building. You all just make yourselves welcome and use them whenever you want." WOW, UNLIMITED HOT WATER SHOWERS!
Tuesday was just the beginning of our tour of Biloxi. We toured the Jefferson Davis home where he lived up until his death. He was the president of the Confederate States of America. There is still a lot of respect for him in this area. An interesting tidbit about him though, is that of all the solders and officials connected to the Confederacy, he is the only one who's citizenship to the USA was not granted. He died, "a man without a country". On our way back to the dinghy, we stopped at the Hard Rock Casino and scored a pair of tickets to the Judy Collins concert Saturday. Oh, that would be on the seventh row! So, I guess we are committed to being in Biloxi until at least Sunday. Until next time... "Robyn!, enough with the laughing already!"