Saying goodbye
07 April 2012 | Biloxi, Mississippi
Today we had to say goodbye to our new friend Inga. We met Inga at the Old Biloxi Schooner Cafe, where she works. Inga was our friend within minutes of meeting her. Tomorrow, we will have to say goodbye to Al. He is the Harbor Master at the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor. Al is another example of immediate friends. Robyn and I both agree that all of this saying goodbye is the worst part of cruising.
We are planning to leave Biloxi on Monday. Our stay here has been much longer than we anticipated, but we have enjoyed Biloxi very much. Hopefully, our next port of call will be Dauphin Island, Alabama. Alabama will be our fourth state since leaving Kemah, Texas, just over a month ago. If all goes according to plan, we will see Florida, our fifth state, in just a few days. We are looking forward to white beaches and clear water.
The biggest problems we are having right now are spring thunderstorms. They aren't fun for landlubbers, and they certainly aren't for us boat people. All night anchor watches, waterspouts, and 50 to 70 MPH wind gust are not only scary, but exhausting as well. We have been hanging on two of our biggest anchors here. One is a 45 pound CQR, with 125 feet of chain, and the other is a 45 pound Bruce, with 75 feet of chain. It seems like overkill, but they held through some very treacherous weather.
Goodbye from the good ship Tornado Magnet, I mean the Sailing Vessel Seanna.