Home for a while
21 July 2012 | Oklahoma
First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating the blog. We have experienced so much since we left Destin. I will do my best to tell you about our stay in Panama City.
Leaving Destin: We motored out of the inner harbor cut and were headed out to the pass, when I ran us aground again. Fortunately, the swells in the pass were big enough to lift us off with every wave, and with just a little hard bouncing, we were free. We were motor sailing towards Panama City with nice weather and seas around three feet.
Sometime around noon I noticed that we were really driving the bow of Seaana into some rather large seas. Robyn and I were just chatting and eating sunflower seeds and weren't paying too much attention to the sea conditions. We had been trolling a fishing line off of the stern and the reel started stripping. "Fish on"! I guess that is when I noticed the seas, because it was a lot of work just staying on board and reeling the fish in. We caught a small Jack, and steaking him out on deck was a chore. I got the fish put away in the freezer and came back up into the cockpit.
By now, it is blowing like stink. I had to go on deck and put a reef in the main sail. It was all I could do to stay on the boat. Robyn suggested putting on our harnesses. By the time we got to Panama City, we were driving Seanna into eight to ten foot seas. We weren't scared or sick, but it wasn't any fun at all. Occasionally, a big wave would approach from the side. In order to see the top of the wave, we would have to look up. Seanna would rise up to the top, and the wave would just roll under us. This was by far, the worst conditions we had sailed in. Twelve hours later ( two hours more than planned) we entered the pass into Saint Andrews Sound!
May: We had been planning a secret visit home to surprise our mothers for Mother's Day. I had made arrangements with Chris Riehs to leave Seanna docked at Chris's house while we traveled. Chris and her husband, George, were so gracious. I found them on the Seven Seas Cruising Association web site and we count ourselves lucky to have met them. With Seanna secure for the next two weeks, we rented a car and headed home. Our visit home was wonderful, and we found Seanna patiently waiting for us when we got back to Panama City.
Our original plan was to get Seanna to Brunswick, Georgia, for hurricane season, but I didn't think we could make it. So we decided to stay in Panama City during the season, and continue our cruise in November. I was sure I could get a part time job here to make up for the extra expense of being in a marina. Boy was I wrong! The economy here in Florida hasn't recovered, so jobs are hard to find. We have gotten the opportunity to meet some really neat folks here though.
Let's see. I'm sure I will leave someone out, but let me try to tell you about some of our new friends. Glen was our first acquaintance. He walked the docks in the mornings, and his wife Diana, is the bookkeeper for the marina. Glen was a hoot! Then there was Jerry and Sally aboard Encore. They had sailed from Fairhope, Alabama to Apalachacola. They were on their way home and docked at the marina for a few days. We really enjoyed their company. A catamaran came in for a few days, and unfortunately I have forgotten their names. What I remember most about them was when we were exchanging stories, he asked me if I was a retired Firefighter. I told him yes, and he told me how he had been following this blog. What a small world we cruise in! One morning we awoke to find a 65' Tiera parked in front of us. Semper Fi was just bought by Jack and his friend Bonnie. What a boat! Jack invited us aboard for cocktails. WOW! If I ever get a spare 1.5 million, I might buy me one too. That boat oozed luxury. We also met John and Bonnie aboard Pooders. They were headed down the Florida Coast, but we maintained contact with them, and after they got to St. Petersburg, they flew back home. We hope to run into them again this coming spring.
Hazel Lutes, and her son William Perkins stayed a few days on the transient dock. They were aboard the motor vessel Lucky H. Hazel had just sold her home in South Florida, and they were moving Hazel's trawler to Texas. We had a wonderful couple of days visiting with Hazel and William. We have stayed in touch with William, and we now have an invite to stay at William's house if we are ever passing through Waco, Texas.
Well we were tied to the transient dock for about a week. With our decision to stay, we got a permanent dock on Pier two at the Panama City Marina. Again we got to meet some really nice people. First there was Bob. Bob is called the Mayor of pier two. We never got to meet Bob's wife, but we can attest to her cooking skills. She sends tons of food with Bob every time he comes to his boat. He usually spends a week or two at the boat, and while Bob is on the dock, we eat really well. Then we also met our next door neighbor, Mike. Mike is a live a board and we really enjoyed Mike and his dog, Taylor.
We have to mention our other dock mates. There was Don and Beth, Norman, Bill and Bev, and Mike and Pam. We will probably meet up with Mike and Pam again in the Keys next spring.
Our days in Panama City were spent working on Seanna's brightwork, swimming, and touring PC. Panama City has a pretty good trolley system, so getting around wasn't too bad. We did eventually buy some bikes, and that just added to our mobility.
Rudy and Jill are another couple we met in PC. Rudy has a boat repair business, and Jill works for the State. They used to cruise aboard their home built sailboat, and they now have a home built troller. They plan to cruise again in the near future. Jill is from Oklahoma, which brings me to our current status. Jill was going home for a visit, and so with about tens days notice, we made arrangements to put Seanna on the hard, and we have caught a ride home with Jill. We have decided to work in Oklahoma to refill the cruising cookie jar. Our plan right now, is to stay through hurricane season, and the holidays.
So, there you have it. Our first little cruise is over. We didn't make it near as far as we thought we would by now, but we have really learned a lot! We are already making plans, and looking forward to being aboard Seanna again.