Day two on the Mississippi
02 November 2014 | Lake Providence Harbor
What a great day we had on the Mississippi River today! We made approximately 50 miles, or halfway between Greenville and Vicksburg. The wind laid down considerably since yesterday. We made it to a safe harbor called Lake Providence Harbor. A tow boat captain on the river gave us contact information for a tow that operated inside the harbor. Once we were in, I made contact with him, and he invited us to tie up to his barge. When we arrived, he had his deckhands waiting to help us. Then the real fun began!
One of the deckhands gave us a tour of the Terral Tow Company's premiere tow boat. She is the "Kim King", and what a beauty she is. After the tour, we were taken to the Captain's bridge. The captain was very hospitable and informative about the boat and the company. He has worked for the company for nearly thirty years, and the pride he had in his boat and the company, was evident in everything he said.
Tomorrow we will continue down the river to Vicksburg. We have weather coming in a few days, so we will have to make a decision on whether to stay there a few days, or go on down the river to Nachez. I'm leaning towards touring Vicksburg!