I've got the urge for goin'
23 August 2019
Peter (Senior Deckhand) | Clear and windy

TGIF from Coos Bay! The captain and crew of s/v Rover look forward to departing Charleston Marina and heading out over the Coos Bay bar about 8 pm this evening. While we have enjoyed our enforced rest days here, it’s time to be moving south again. Joni Mitchell’s lyrics remind us, that “I’ve got the urge for goin…” Yesterday both before and after dinner the crew played wicked games of whist, discovering that Kristin has a canny card sense. As the only Californian onboard, I gave the others their special California ID devices. Dinner was baked albacore with stir fried veggies and brown rice performed by Ben, followed by pound cake and fresh berries that Frankie and Kristin picked earlier in the day. Linda’s thorough provisioning makes preparing meals easy! This morning, close attention to PredictWeather convinced Eric to leave this evening for the next 384 nm segment to Sausalito. If the forecasted conditions hold, we won’t need to stop in either Crescent City or Eureka. You might find s/v Rover at Sausalito’s Schoonmaker Marina by Tuesday morning! The rest of this afternoon will be devoted to hot showers, sea-stow packing, and naps. I’m pleased to be in the company of gentle shipmates, full of experience, patience, and good cheer. I’ve got the urge for goin… - Peter (senior deckhand)