
Chilling in Monterey

10 September 2019 | Monterey
Eric Ahlvin | Partly cloudy, 71F, wind 15 knots form the NW
Our weekend in Monterey stretched out to a long one. We’ve been watching the weather and now we’re projecting to leave tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11. We’ll make up a day by skipping Morro Bay and going directly to Port San Luis. We don’t have a firm deadline until San Diego 10/1, so we’re still taking our time.
While we were here, we polished the external stainless (no teak on a Valiant 42, we polish the stainless every year or two), went for a hike to Asilomar, saw the Monterey Bay Aquarium, provisioned, and did laundry. One of the highlights was a visit to the Pacific Grove Natural History Museum. It’s a small museum and we got personal attention because we were the only guests on a Monday morning.
Vessel Name: Rover
Vessel Make/Model: Valiant 42
Hailing Port: Seattle. WA
Crew: Eric and Linda
We're making a big change to a cruising lifestyle. Eric retired in 2012 after 32 years in R&D (mostly) at HP. Previous passions included flying and bicycling. Linda will retire in 2013 from Oregon State University. She's been active in Zonta, was a Scoutmaster, and is a champion baker. [...]
Extra: Linda was barrel master and Eric participated in the Jackson Street Vintners; a group of friends that made wine from 2000 to 2013
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