Whales, Flying fish, dolphins, fresh tuna
10 November 2019 | 12 miles offshore of Bahia San Pablo
Two overnights and most of a day brought us into Bahia Tortuga on
Saturday afternoon, about 8 hours after the Baja Ha Ha fleet had
left.Eric and Colleen had a brief swim off the boat and pseudo showers
for all.
The seas for the several days were relatively mild.We do double watch at
night in 3 hour increments, and single 4-hour watch during day with a
helper.Works well.We got the sails up for about 9 hours the first day
and about 4 or 5 hours the second day.Delightful.Ginger, the wind vane,
is working well.On our day heading into Bahia Tortuga, Linda caught a 6
lb tuna off the back of the boat!She had to reel it in by herself as
Eric was up forward bringing in the whisker pole.We had delicious tuna
steaks on the grill last night.As we entered the Bay, we were greeted by
a large pod of dolphins playing in the boat wake.And we saw several
flying fish!
As we left the Bay this morning we had two whales surface within about
50 feet on starboard side and dove under the boat.And then another pod
of dolphins jumping and playing around the boat.Pretty magical.
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