
Decided to go to Marquesses instead of Hawaii

05 April 2023 | Underway, 25 degrees 17 minutes N. 122 degrees 19 minutes W
Post time is 1357, 4/5/23. Peter on watch, Eric backup

Winds and seas continued overnight at about 20 knots wind and 8’ seas.
It’s noticeably warmer.

Because of the wind direction, we were heading well west of our rhumb
line. One of the crew wondered if we were going to Hawaii. Marquesses is
still the objective, so we set the boat up for a controlled jibe by
rigging the preventer, switching the running backs to opposite side,
centering the boom and stays’l and jibing. It worked well, a very
controlled operation and now we’re heading back to the rhumb line. About
the time we get there, the wind direction should have changed and we’ll
be able to sail directly to the ITCZ. Average boat speed is 5.6 knots!

Solar production is 20 amps despite partial clouds.

We planned to revise the watch plan after four days, so we had a meeting
and settled on a new plan (proposed by Kristin) and re allocation of
chores. I’m off the dinner cooking list. All hands happy with that change.

Animal log: a flying fish landed aboard and got tossed back. Also saw a
floating can of Cheeze Whiz. Not sure if it’s animal, vegetable or mineral.

3 of 4 crew seem to be pretty much over their seasickness, with the
fourth one making some progress.

Morale remains high.

Sent via OCENSMail satellite email service.
Vessel Name: Rover
Vessel Make/Model: Valiant 42
Hailing Port: Seattle. WA
Crew: Eric and Linda
We're making a big change to a cruising lifestyle. Eric retired in 2012 after 32 years in R&D (mostly) at HP. Previous passions included flying and bicycling. Linda will retire in 2013 from Oregon State University. She's been active in Zonta, was a Scoutmaster, and is a champion baker. [...]
Extra: Linda was barrel master and Eric participated in the Jackson Street Vintners; a group of friends that made wine from 2000 to 2013
Rover's Photos - Main
From Seattle to San Francisco
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Created 21 August 2019
Photos from week seven
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Created 3 November 2013
Living in Port Townsend
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Created 2 September 2013