
“Nicely making way…”

06 April 2023 | Underway, 23 degrees 06 minutes N. 121 degrees 41 minutes W
Post time is 1349, 4/6/23. Kristin on watch, Peter backup, Eric &

Burt resting

Hello all!

Peter here, posting my first blog from s/v Rover.

You haven’t heard from me so far on this voyage because I was struggling
with sea sickness which is typical for me during the first few days of
every passage.

But I’m feeling pretty good today after more sleep, small meals, plenty
of water, and a frewh Scopelamine (sp?) patch.It’s good to rejoin the
land of the living, and I’m grateful to Capt Eric, Kristin, and Burt fir
their patient help these past days.

Rover moves along, “nicely making way (Crosby, Stills, Nash &
Young).This afternoon we’re plunging along between 5 and 6 knots in wind
that’s in the mid-teens. The swells are down to 4-6’ which is ever so
much better than the big darks seas that chased us for the last 2
days.Rover’s crew is settling into “boat time,” that rhythm of chores
and rest that’s increasingly comfortable.

Yesterday’s blog introduced you to our new watch schedule designed by
Kristin.Each of us now has a 3-hour solo night watch and a 4-hour day
shift.Work gets done but everyone has longer rest & sleep periods.A big
thank-you to Linda for her thorough provisioning, menus, and recipes.
Better rest and hot dinners make everyone happy!

I hope that you’re following Rover on the tracking sites.We sailed more
west than originally intended but that let us stay away from that gale
that banged down the Southern California coast and then Baja.Keep
watching our track as we calculate when to cross the ITCZ and pick up
the southern trade wind route to Hiva Oa.

Even though we’re far-far-far from land, please know that family &
friends are in our thoughts.

Peace and all good.- Peter

Sent via OCENSMail satellite email service.
Vessel Name: Rover
Vessel Make/Model: Valiant 42
Hailing Port: Seattle. WA
Crew: Eric and Linda
We're making a big change to a cruising lifestyle. Eric retired in 2012 after 32 years in R&D (mostly) at HP. Previous passions included flying and bicycling. Linda will retire in 2013 from Oregon State University. She's been active in Zonta, was a Scoutmaster, and is a champion baker. [...]
Extra: Linda was barrel master and Eric participated in the Jackson Street Vintners; a group of friends that made wine from 2000 to 2013
Rover's Photos - Main
From Seattle to San Francisco
166 Photos
Created 21 August 2019
Photos from week seven
2 Photos
Created 3 November 2013
Living in Port Townsend
4 Photos
Created 2 September 2013