HeadingâMoreâ South
07 April 2023 | Underway, 21 degrees 04 minutes N. 121 degrees 15 minutes W
Post time is 1949, 4/7/23. Kristin on watch, Peter backup, Eric &
Burt resting
Hello all!
Burt here, posting my first blog from s/v Rover.
LikePeter, I had a touch of Mal-de-mer the first couple of days, not
typical but not unknown to me.Slowed me down for a couple of days with
the common side effects of fatigue and apathy.Better now and a fully
functional member of the crew.
A week in and the boat routine of watches, chores, eating and sleeping
has settled on all of us.According to our latitude we should be enjoying
sunny skies and warm breezes. But we still have overcast gray skies,
cool days and cold nights. So that means donning multiple layers of
clothes and foulies to prepare for and stand watches.Thatâs a pain and
we all greet each day hoping for the warmth promised by our location.
Today we jibed twice looking for the best angle to get south.Setting up
Rover for a jibe involves a coordinated series of steps.Our last, and
third so far, went very smoothly, almost like competent crew.By the time
we get to the Marquesas weâll be pros.
Looking for tomorrow to be sunny and fair.
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