
A peaceful day at sea in the South Pacific

13 July 2023
Some days on passage are just perfect,. Today was such a day. It started
at midnight, taking my turn at the helm.

A friendly handover from Ashlee and I’m soon alone in the dark, the glow
of the navigation instruments the only light. I survey them and take in
the information, then stand up at the aft end of the cockpit and look
out ahead over the bimini for weather.

Clear skies, and overhead the Milky Way is laid out like a ribbon in
line with our boat.The white segment of the tricolor light joins a
billion others aloft. Turning aft, a mirror of a thousands of tiny
beings glowing(bioluminescence) and fading in Rover’s wake. I settle in
and begin to sway with the motion of the boat in the waves, a soft
breeze on my face.

We eat yummy breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while listening to music and
chatting while washing dishes. The day was sunny, with birds on wing.
One drops down nearby us, grabs a fish and a larger fish comes from
depth for his portion but the bird is quickly gone.

Clark decides it is time for us to see what we can get and drops a line
in the water, but no takers this day. A gorgeous sunset at around 7 pm
and it’s off to nap in preparation for our night watches.

Sent via OCENSMail satellite email service.
Vessel Name: Rover
Vessel Make/Model: Valiant 42
Hailing Port: Seattle. WA
Crew: Eric and Linda
We're making a big change to a cruising lifestyle. Eric retired in 2012 after 32 years in R&D (mostly) at HP. Previous passions included flying and bicycling. Linda will retire in 2013 from Oregon State University. She's been active in Zonta, was a Scoutmaster, and is a champion baker. [...]
Extra: Linda was barrel master and Eric participated in the Jackson Street Vintners; a group of friends that made wine from 2000 to 2013
Rover's Photos - Main
From Seattle to San Francisco
166 Photos
Created 21 August 2019
Photos from week seven
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Created 3 November 2013
Living in Port Townsend
4 Photos
Created 2 September 2013