July 17 Groundhog day
17 July 2023
My day begins on the midnight to 3 am watch. A dark wet sky greets me.
Somber, I look aft and cheerful little beings glow in sv Roverâs wake. I
am reminded of the beauty and magic passages like this offer.
You can always redirect your mindâs wanderings, but it becomes more
challenging as the days progress, one blending into another. Routine and
drudgery have established themselves, novelty is limited as each day
feels the same (thus the reference to the movie).
Animals thrive on novelty, as any zookeeper will tell you, and all
humans deal with disappointment differently. Ashlee (sweet soul I have
made the acquaintance of) channels her creativity and expression into
food. Clark scans the horizon for cetaceans, birds and fishes. Skipper
and I pass the time with reading, we are seasoned in long passages.
We all rest as much as we can as our onboard routines scarcely leave 1
hour without hatches being opened or someone waking another up for a
watch shift, which wakes all aboard, thoâ some fall back to sleep
easily. Deep sleep is illusive. It is small (but comfortable quarters)
on sv Rover, made smaller by the rain outside.
Not every day in the South Pacific is sunny and picturesque, but at
least we have a reprieve from the all-day sun heat. Soon enough we will
make landfall and sun and REM sleep will return, the majority of this
leg behind us and a crew change ahead.
Sent via OCENSMail satellite email service.