Back in Borneo
24 February 2013 | Labuan, Sabah
We hit the ground running the day we arrived, reinstalling our electronics, putting in our new Auto-Pilot, cleaning up all the birds’ nests and little presents left behind, washing the boat inside and out and re-provisioning for traveling. We set ourselves a one week goal for departure, and made it!
Friday February 22, 2013 we begin our 10,000 mile journey back to California.
After picking up our package from DHL ( a 3 day delivery that took 9 days), we set sail for Brunei. What a perfect afternoon sail. The wind blew from the southwest (unusual for this time of year) which allowed us to try out our new “Code Zero”, a light air sail and play with the spinnaker, and oh how we love our auto-pilot! Brunei is about 100 miles north of Miri , and because there weren’t any good places to anchor along the way we sailed through the night. This was not as much fun because the wind switched and blew straight on the nose (the normal northeast monsoon) and we could only move at an average speed of 1-2 knots for fear of severe damage to the boat by hitting one of the many drifting logs the size of oak trees. The sunrise brought another beautiful broad reach sail along the coast of Brunei with blue skies and clear water, the first clear water we’ve seen for a long time. As much as we would have liked to visit Brunei and meet the Sultan the effort and time it would have taken to get to there was not worth it to us for the attraction of cheap fuel. Rationalizing that cheap beer, box wine and good chocolate are more important than fuel, we opted to forego Brunei and head straight for Labuan 15 miles north. Labuan is duty free city in Malaysia were you can buy foreign products cheap. That evening in celebration of our arrival into Labuan there was a spectacular fireworks display in our honor, or so it seemed as we were the only ones in the anchorage and they were directly in front of us.