Dan's blog
17 July 2013
July 16, 2013, this has been a great day! First, because we got our Satellite phone reception back [longstory about poor customer service], and second because of the whales. I woke up at 9 am and stumbled up to the saloon to find the captain and first mate were out on the foredeck looking at something. That something was a beautiful huge Sei Whale not fifty feet off to port! This was the first of about a twenty or more of these wonderful creatures that swam up behind us and came in close for inspection, many just a boatlength away. One was so close that when he sounded he swam right under our bows beneath our very feet! Not only were these whales blowing, but we could hear their inhaling loud and clear. The Sei Whales are about 50 feet long and are sleek with a battleship grey color and white undersides, significantly larger than the Humpback Whales with which people are familiar. They are unique in the surface trail that they leave behind them due to their tail action, which is mainly how we identified them in our whale book as they are very similar to their larger relative the Fin Whale. They are reportedly rare so we had an amazing two hours or so of visiting by them that few people on this planet have ever experienced. Then the sun came out. We also saw several large clumps of bull kelp floating by and then, later in the afternoon, the first mate discovered a bird hiding on our back deck. The poor little guy was some kind of seabird with webbed feet who must have run into our rigging and seemed slightly injured. We decided that there was nothing we could do for him and set him on the aft deck, from where he stumbled over to the rail, took flight, and flew away. The wind stayed light all day so we only made about 130 miles toward Kodiak, Alaska, which is now only 460 miles away. We are getting excited about making landfall and finding the hot shower and laundromat.