Final Stretch - Day 4
27 June 2010 | Cape Hatteras
Safaritu (Shore Crew)/mild seas, moderate winds, and clear skies
Hi all,
We are still HOT but doing well on our passage to Newport. Right now we are passing Cape Hatteras in mild seas, moderate winds and clear skies - can't ask for more than that! But in case you want more, the Gulf Stream is giving us a final push of about 3.3 knots, enabling us to make 9.0+ knots speed over ground. Soon, the Gulf Stream will head east out to sea, while we will head NE to Newport. We are about halfway through our trip.
More excitement last night - one of the wire lines holding our dingy up on the davits broke, leaving half the dinghy dangling in the water as we sailed along at 7.0 knots. We were able to get it hoisted again and double tied on with bits of rope.
Had a lot of swell and confused seas throughout most of the night so it wasn't that comfortable, but we were rewarded this morning with 2 Mahi Mahi on the lines at once! We hauled both on deck (each about 2 ft long) but while we were cleaning the fish, a wave hit and one of the fish slid across the deck, over the other fish and plopped right into the water. We briefly considered launching a man overboard maneuver to retrieve the bright green fish, but we will still have plenty of fish to feed everyone tonight.
There is still a small chance that we will need to divert into Norfolk or Ocean City MD because of some weather off NY later this week- we will know more tomorrow.
Scott, Jen, Grant & Amelia