
Named after the boat dog "Tuckers" favorite place. In his honor. We lost him 6/2024. The boat is not the same without him.

26 February 2018 | La Paz, Mexico
25 February 2018
20 February 2018
19 February 2018
19 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
18 February 2018
17 February 2018
13 February 2018
06 February 2018 | Bonanza Bay, Isla Espirito Santo
04 February 2018 | La Paz, BCS, Mexico
20 January 2018
20 January 2018
20 January 2018

Secure @ South Beach

07 August 2010 | Newport, OR
Well we do have to confirm the Fogust title for the month of August on our Pacific NW Coast. So far we havn't seen much because of it.

However, what a paradox we have here. While leaving Westport & turning south we looked over the portside of the boat & pelicans were flying overhead, but looking over the starboard side were tufted puffins carelessly swimming along..... What's with that.... Then out of the fog appears a boat that was moored not 300 yards away from us in Olympia,WA. Now we have met Doug & Jody on their Westsail 32 El Gitano a few times & are currently tied up behind them at the transient dock here in Newport. Nice people.

This leg south started as a nice motorsail in 10 knots of NW wind, then the wind died again in the afternoon & we developed that roll..... 2-3' wind waves & a 5-6' W to NW swell & no wind & here we go... an uncomfortable night, then add fog & a halibut opening the morning we enter Newport & the RADAR looked like somekind of Rorschach test....

But we made it & are happy...... what else is there...

Also we now have some primo drugs for Tucker. The anxiety he developed when being launched back & forth across the boat needed to be dealt with, so, after a visit to the local vet and a couple of bucks, wahlah, no more frantic puppy. For our friends with animals, this ain't no Puget Sound!!!!

Oh ya... & somehow Jane made me fresh french bread along the way.


Smooth Sailing, Rod and edited by Jane
Vessel Name: Mogote
Hailing Port: Deception Pass, WA
Crew: Rod & Jane
Sailed south from Puget Sound in 2010 on our Gulf 32 "Isabella", a few years later bought a Lagoon Cat "Beachcomber". After returning to Puget Sound in 2016 we found we missed Mexico & especially our cruising friends. [...]
Extra: Life is short.....Don't blink

Who: Rod & Jane
Port: Deception Pass, WA