Secure @ South Beach
07 August 2010 | Newport, OR
Well we do have to confirm the Fogust title for the month of August on our Pacific NW Coast. So far we havn't seen much because of it.
However, what a paradox we have here. While leaving Westport & turning south we looked over the portside of the boat & pelicans were flying overhead, but looking over the starboard side were tufted puffins carelessly swimming along..... What's with that.... Then out of the fog appears a boat that was moored not 300 yards away from us in Olympia,WA. Now we have met Doug & Jody on their Westsail 32 El Gitano a few times & are currently tied up behind them at the transient dock here in Newport. Nice people.
This leg south started as a nice motorsail in 10 knots of NW wind, then the wind died again in the afternoon & we developed that roll..... 2-3' wind waves & a 5-6' W to NW swell & no wind & here we go... an uncomfortable night, then add fog & a halibut opening the morning we enter Newport & the RADAR looked like somekind of Rorschach test....
But we made it & are happy...... what else is there...
Also we now have some primo drugs for Tucker. The anxiety he developed when being launched back & forth across the boat needed to be dealt with, so, after a visit to the local vet and a couple of bucks, wahlah, no more frantic puppy. For our friends with animals, this ain't no Puget Sound!!!!
Oh ya... & somehow Jane made me fresh french bread along the way.
Smooth Sailing, Rod and edited by Jane