Bahia Honda Panama first impressions
19 January 2015 | 7 45.159'N:81 32.381'W, Bahia Honda Panama
Well, Papillon and crew have another country to cross off!
The passage from Golfito was really uneventful with the exception of a long line catching on the rudder, and we have ways of dealing with those. Motored or motorsailed the entire way and that generates heat below, which we really don't need more of, it gets pretty toasty here without adding more into the mix.
Pulled into Bahia Honda, and what do we find? Another cruising friend! Paul from Sunrunner had some engine issues and he is holed up here trying to figure them out. CB and Tawn of Palarran got in yesterday about two hours ahead of us and we expect Andy and Megan of Wairua any day as well.
This is a spectacularlybeautiful place, kind of like the pacific Northwest with the islands and tides, but with tropical plants, howler monkeys, parrots, and heat, lots of heat!
There is a family here that has adopted the position of cruiser host and the son, Kennedy, was out to greet us with the fruits of his labors- literally. A stalk of bananas, our first, oranges, lemons, and he is bringing eggs , pineapple, and avocados out today. all for trade. Gas, clothing, and batteries are the trade goods of choice.
We are anchored well in about 20' and last night the stars were out in force. More later after we get settled and explore a bit!