And we are off!
02 May 2015 | Isla Taboga
Dan- hot and tropical
This is not fun
We have spent the last couple of weeks getting Papillon ready (and ourselves) for our trip to the states.
We need to wrap our heads around the fact that our home is in the care of the sea (also the moorings at Toboga and Chuy Navarro) and all that means.
We prep her for everything we think that can happen. All electrical generation stuff is working well, interior fans are blowing the air around, water tanks are empty, decks are secure, George Walker Bay (our dink) is aboard and tied down, kayaks are inboard, on and on this list goes. Of course all of this prep takes place under high temps and higher humidity as the rainy season approaches. This is all we can do.
That is really the tough part- it is all we can do, and yet we still worry. What did we miss? What if……?
Both Kelly and I are nervous.
I think part of that is our destination as well, are we ready for re-entry? We are looking forward to being in the USA for all of the conveniences, but we have become a little used to being outside as well.
Should be interesting.