the uphill battle
22 January 2016
Kind of a steep hill.
Not talking about the one going up to the hotel we are staying at while we work on the boat and get her cleaned up (equivalent to 19 flights, I counted), but the hill of little tasks it takes to get a cruising boat like Papillon back into sailing shape after a while sitting on a mooring.
Actually not much systems wise- pretty good there, though we haven’t fired up the fridge as yet and that is a whole other level of system! OK letting my inner spite for our fridge system rise. It will be fine, it will be fine, it will be fine. Clicking my heels last time didn’t help.
No what most of this is scrubbing nine months of accumulated stuff off of my pretty boat, cleaning and examining every piece of running and standing rigging, fixing chafe damage here and there and cleaning the interior to the Kelly standard to which Papillon is accustomed..
Our plans, a laughable concept anyway, are to head through the canal and hang out in Bocas del Toro for a bit and see what next season brings for us rather than a run to the South Pacific this year. Between El Nino and business stuff. It seems like a smart idea.
So there ya go- the not so exciting saga, the cruising life is not just beaches and mai tai’s, but often bilges and scrub brushes- oh and carrying things, don’t forget carrying things.