been a bit
20 April 2016 | Golfito
Dan, hot and tropical
Updating a blog is sometimes a chore, sometimes fun, but almost always time consuming.
And that is what is lacking for us these days.
OK- quick catch up and some observations-
1. Back to Panama and Isla Taboga to see just how much wear and tear poor Papillon had in the time were off of her was exciting - the happiness of being back home, terrifying – oh crap, just how much work do we have to do, and a relief – not so bad. But tough it out we have and Papillon is looking good, after mass hours of scrubbing, many days of organizing and cleaning below, and the never ending battle against chafe and corrosion.
2. Symbolizing the whole seven degrees thing and inserting Captain Ron- we made our Escape from Panama last week after many delays and hurdles.
3. Bottom is done- new poison in place, trying the sharpie thing as well on the exposed metal could be the bee’s knees, could be nada.
4. Had an easy time with checking out of Panama, very courteous officials.
5. Chuy’s moorings on Taboga are the only place to keep your boat on the Pacific side- he really cares.
6. Rambling here a bit, but screw the gringo tax charged by the taxi drivers- use Uber
7. Had a smoking fast sail south out of the Gulf of Panama- 16 hrs for 88 miles. Compare that to the 2 ½ days it took to sail north. Still bumpy and square, but……
8. So much more wildlife outside of the Gulf of Panama
9. Checking into Golfito Costa Rica is about the easiest government thing ever.
10. Golfito is hot as Hades.
11. Tim at Land and Sea in Golfito is awesome.
12. The food at Banana Bay Marina is really good, but that may also be a function of us having only had Panameno food for a while.