Hello from Grenada
29 September 2009 | St Georges
Nell Kellett / weather = early evening wonderfully cool
I have decided that and uneventful life is not my destiny. We left Trinidad with everything working and noticed that we could not get the engine power up and we had no running lights. No worries we have sails and a masthead tri-color.... We sailed to Grenada in near perfect conditions. Moon Dancer was in her glory averaging 8 knots all the way. We arrived in time for sundowner cocktails and all was good with our world.
We noticed a large military vessel anchored not far from us and determined that it was British. We invited the "Lads" for a day of sailing and believe it or not the Captain, his XO, his engineer and an officer in training named Ann turned up ready and eager to put Moon Dancer through her paces. Being proper English officers they came with lots of beer and wine. It was a "Kicking" day (my new British word.) We sailed her hard and put the rails in the water several times. It was very exciting. Moon Dancer performed like the tough lady that she is, cocktails and snacks followed and everyone had a great day. The Captain gave us a comemorative plaque and two ball caps as a gesture of his appreciation.
The following day they buzzed our boat with their helicoptor. It was a lovely way to say thank you and good bye.
Another bit of good news is that the engine problem was only due to prop cavitation caused by a million barnacles which Phil and I removed from the prop as well as the rudder and hull of the boat. Boats and men rot in port. It's an old saying but true.
The bad news is that we had a problem with the aft cabin air conditioner. I was alone on the boat and turned on the aft a/c when it shorted out. We are making this repair a priority and will do our exploring once I am sure everything is working as designed. It's too darn hot to be without a/c.
Today was my well earned decompression day so I took off on the local busses and explored. I ran into two sets of cruiser friends, Becky Dudley of SV Altair and Mark and Alex of SV Blue Beyond. It was wonderful. In additon, I found a lovely gallery that makes batik designs in clothing and other items. It's called Art Fabrik and they are on Young Street in St Georges. Even if you buy nothing, this place is a must see. The workmanship is wonderful and unique. The shop is quaint and the owner is delightful.
So overall, a good ending .... More adventures to come...
Moon Dancer is on the Move!!!
Next stop,,, Prickley Bay for repairs and to hit the cruiser happy hours; Thursday I am headed inland to explore the Belair Estate with the cruiser ladies club and Friday Phil and I and our friends Karen and Mike from SV Chapter Two are off to the Island Fish Fry in Gouyave. It's lobster season so the party should be especially tasty..... And finally, our friends, Mike and Karen of SV Chapter Two have invited us to join them for a full day tour of Grenada. We are looking forward to that as this island is known for it's beauty and I want to see the wild monkeys and swim under the waterfalls.
If all goes well, by the end of next week (provided there is nothing brewing in the Atlantic) we should be heading to Carriacou and Petite Martinique for more exploring and SCUBA diving.
Cross your fingers and wish us luck... More Adventures to come....