Back in Grenada
27 October 2009
Nell Kellett - HOT Days Cool Nights
Like I said,, I am not destined for an uneventful life. We finally left Grenada about a week ago and things were looking pretty good. We had enough time to enjoy sailing the Grenadines and enjoy our boat before the next group of guests arrived. It is always a big job making the boat nice for my guests and this time we are hosting six adults and two children. A handfull to say the least. I work very very hard to make every room look and feel like a nice little hotel. I am eager to see our grandchildren and Phil's children. As much as the boat will be crowded and it will be a wreck for the entire 10 days, I am confident that if I can learn to overlook the chaos, I will have a great time... We have planned many fun activites for them.
Problems with the boat have brought us back to Grenada. In an effort to resolve these problems "someone" put HIS knee through my washer door and of course nothing is better as a result of all our work and the boat being entirely turned inside out. My pantry is spread all over the boat, every drawer is emptied and every towel is trashed. It will take days to get this back in order. This is starting to look like a trend. It seem like everytime I get the living quarters looking nice, my husband decides to take something apart and manages to trash every room in the process. We had to give up our planned relaxation in favor of more repairs on the boat and to keep everything safe and up to date. I am pissed off and tired... who ever says everything in this cruising life is hearts and flowers is fooling themselves and definately not painting the picture of this life exactly as it really is. The environment is harsh. Everything requires great effort and the rewards are few and far between.
We often talk about our long term plans and they sound wonderful. There are many planned destinations and I look forward to taking Moon Dancer to all these wonderful places. The reality however must include all the disasters to expect along the way... In case you have not worked it out yet, this is not one of my better days...