Sail on Kiwi II

Setting Sail 2024

Chill Day Take 2

First let me say it is a challenge to keep up with the log of our escapades. Internet is very spotty and the fun part is completing and editing the entire update of the day and the Internet just quits. Yep, not that I let a silly thing like losing my work get to me. For those of you that are rolling around laughing since you are wishing some stress on me I must say I have impressively let it go.

Back to the paratice to perfection of the perfect chill day. Yoga and swimming before breakfast are a good start so.....wait I do not plan to lose what little I have written so far but the other issue one faces here is power. I have been given the 10% warning....time to find a way to charge the iPad. Stay tuned....

All charged up! Back on line. Planets are aligned.

So, we're was I...oh yes Karen from Southley II was a wealth of fantastic information. We have been introduced to an array of weather apps. Winds, waves and weather with an added bonus showing the Gulf Stream current velocity and position. The most helpful information she imparted was check a variety of sites to make the most informed decision. Not all information is in agreement but using an array of tools to chart your course and gather the important data is critical.

It was time to check out our favorite SUP locations on the island. It does not take long to add to favorites... We strapped the board onto our golf cart and we're off. The winds picked up so the waves int he coves were much more significant than yesterday. The sky was very interesting as well. The cloud layer was midway off the horizon with blue sky above the clouds and pink below. The was very unusual to see the color of the sky split. We were able to paddle over to the island, met some ladies from New England. They were thrilled to be in a warm sunny climate. it was fun to be back on the water even with the challenge to keep your balance as the waves rushed into the cove.

It was time for lunch so we decided to head to the bluff house. From there we thought it would be fun to do a Bahamian style pub crawl. Off to the Tranquil Turrtle then back to GTC, dip in the pool and that ended the pub crawl...

It was a diner on the boat evening. Home cooked meal, Ed was thrilled. We headed for a nigh cap and met up with Dean and Theresa on Volarre. Turns out Ed got to talk planes again, Dean is a Delta pilot.

We have a long day tomorrow as we are going on another dive with Brendle's tomorrow. I am looking forward to another great dive.

While today was not the same as yesterday I can with conviction confirm we are working to perfect each day and enjoying the challenge.
