A Sticky Situation

Crossing the Sea of Cortes, enroute to Mazatlán, started like any other day. Mild conditions and warm winds until... we hit some confused seas. Some waves pushing east and others pushing west. Some waves 5 feet, some waves 10 feet and the wind blowing a steady 25 knots. For you land-lovers, these are not mild conditions! It feels like being stuck in a washing machine. (I should note here that Tim and Steve are loving it!)
For the first time on this trip, waves were breaking over the bow and the cabin top. An hour from my assigned watch time, I decide to take a quick nap. Down below, I'm getting bounced around like a pinball in a pinball machine. The walk to my forward "bedroom" felt a little too difficult to get to, so I decide to plop down on the "sofa" in the salon.
Ahhh... almost asleep. I suddenly awoke to a full bucket of water thrown in my face. What the ...?
Someone forgot to close the ceiling cabin hatch above the "sofa" where I was sleeping. One big wave was all it took to dowse me with ocean saltwater! Feeling grouchy, sticky, and yucky from the saltwater I showed up and stood my watch.
About 12 hours later, we pulled into Mazatlán Harbor, docking at El Cid Resort Marina. A pool and bar only 15 yards away. The rough, wet sail now a distant memory.
