Sail Vicarious

Join us as we refit our 1975 Fisher 37 and explore the world.

S/V Vicarious

Who: Spencer and Kathleen
Port: New Bern, NC
18 August 2015
01 July 2015 | New Bern
05 May 2015 | Bridgeton Boatworks, NC
01 May 2015 | Bridgeton Boatworks, NC
06 April 2015 | New Bern, NC
18 November 2013 | Tahiti Beach
18 November 2013 | Tahiti Beach
18 November 2013 | Man o War Cay
18 November 2013 | Man o War Cay
14 November 2013 | Hope Town
14 November 2013 | Marsh Harbor
26 October 2013 | Charleston SC
01 December 2012 | Annapolis, MD
05 October 2012 | New Bern
20 August 2012 | New Bern
07 February 2012 | New Bern
29 January 2012
24 October 2011 | New Bern, NC
20 October 2011 | New Bern
16 October 2011 | Neuse River, NC

Horror movie vs Adventure

11 April 2011 | Antigua
Our situation had all the elements of a horror movie except of course for the creature, the screams and the bloody remains!

We walked for close to an hour down a deserted road through the jungle/desert with no signs of life. Fearless thanks to the cold beers that washed down our BBQ back at the party, we pressed on. We could still hear the music playing in the distance, but the road that we were on was not going down hill to the beach anymore - instead leading us farther and farther away from where we wanted to go... no more cabs came by, no more street lights, no life at all... and we had no interest in turning around and walking all the way back up!

Armed only with small flashlights, we continued on... debating at each dark fork in the road... finally we saw a gate in the darkness and I approached to ask an equally dark figure for directions... As I got close, he closed the gate - not a good sign... Through the steel bars, I asked him where the beach was and he said that we could go back and take a right down a pitch black road or... you can cut through this "place." Now we were very close to a perfect horror movie plot... "6 sailors lost at... "land!"

We elected to cut through the gated compound and continue on. It eventually led us to a resort - that we cut through to get to the beach and found our dinghies! We made it.

Vessel Name: Vicarious
Vessel Make/Model: Fisher 37
Hailing Port: New Bern, NC
Crew: Spencer and Kathleen
About: Spencer is a USMC jet pilot and Kathleen is an RN. We plan on departing New Bern, NC Spring, 2010 after Spencer retires from the Marine Corps. We are filming the entire process and have a DVD series of the work we are doing on Vicarious, which is available at:

S/V Vicarious

Who: Spencer and Kathleen
Port: New Bern, NC