Learning Curve
19 September 2011 | On the way to Mystic
Kathleen dry sunny cold
So the boat show didn't go as expected for us, but we learned a lot, met a lot of people and think we know what to do for the big show at Annapolis. It seemed that people weren't getting what it was we were selling. A lot of people thought we were selling flags! We are going to get some different signage and really this wasn't our market. We got a lot of "been there, done that" comments. It is good to know what market works so we won't spend the money on it next year! It was also just a good experience all the way around. Our neighbors were Allen and Stephanie of Spotless Stainless, a product we picked up in St. Martin and used it and loved it! So simple to use and it really does work! I helped sell a lot of product for them. It is a product that makes me actually like doing my stainless now! They were the old hats and helped us truck some of our stuff to the dinghy dock last night. Very nice! Thanks, you guys!
We already got a nice letter from a former Marine who has already watched the first two DVDs! It is so great to have made a lot of new friends! I would like to name people by name, but it would be a long list!
Today we are motor sailing to Mystic. Hoping against hope that there will be room in the very small anchorage.
Does anyone else out there feel like the world is a bit topsy turvy lately?
Glad to be cruising again. I love the clams in mystic at the Sea Shack, so I must have some!
Oh, and we are going to have to get pictures on the b-log of our new paint job inside! We did the initial insulating paint job, but it was just too white so we chose cream and mocha and used them everywhere except the head. There I used a decorative copper paint! It looks pretty good I have to say! I really want to add a patina to it, but will need to practice on a piece of wood to make sure it will look good. The paint did wonders for our moral! Now it looks like a nice house in here and makes the led lights warmer.
I went provisioning to the store by myself this morning. We normally go together, but S wanted to clean up all of our stuff from the show and get organized before taking off and he wanted to leave soon. I have to say that I get nervous going out into the big world alone sometimes and I felt very cranky about having to do the dinghy by myself and then tromp to the 2 stores for the things we desperately needed since we didn't get food before the show and then carry a stuffed backpack and two bags full of groceries on each shoulder all the way back by myself. I was kind of a baby about it, but by the time I had landed the dinghy perfectly, and walked the beautiful streets with the smell and feel of fall in the air I regretted that I hadn't just been the perfect salty sailor girl team member and said, "Sure, I'll do it by myself and I'll love it!" Nope I had to be a baby about it and storm off. Life is too freaking short to regret behaviors so the answer is to not act like a baby in the first place!!!! 8^P
Check you later!