Help me come up with a name!
20 September 2011 | Mystic, in the mud
Kathleen grey, cool, possible rain
I am thinking about doing a seminar for couples about a woman's fears around cruising, but I really want to include the men because I think the men need to know what is going on when a woman says no out of fear. This would be for women who are afraid to cruise regardless of power or sail but this life is a is dream of their husband's and they want to go, but feel fear about it and it makes them say no. Help me think of a name! I want to talk about how to make things less fearful, taking practical steps like stowing things properly, learning to drive the dinghy, knowing the systems, having set chores based on abilities and desires, making things comfortable, talking about the little things that add up to big things when they are not addressed. I really want to get the men involved in this because they can hold the magic key to help their ladies say yes! It is so important for the men to really get it!
Case in point: Spencer just rolled his eyes after I read the above out loud because his natural, innate reaction to any fear is, suck it up, stop being a baby. This doesn't help!
I think I need to have him with me to illustrate what NOT to do! To get me on the team when I am fearful is to give me a big bear hug, a real kiss and to say WE can do this. YOU can do this. You are strong and that is why we make a great team! I am the captain, I am not going to put us into danger. Yes, it may be rough today, but let's go and make sure everything is stowed so it won't make us a nervous wreck by falling all over the place!