Coco/5 lbs of fur
28 April 2010 | Daytona Beach
Kathy Evans
Coco, our 5 lb Maltese is adjusting quite well to the boating life with the 3 Great Danes. She only gets stepped on once in awhile now and holds her own when it comes to finding a bed. We got our largest Dane, Ceasar, 145lbs, a new bed which was quite large. It didn't take Coco long to take it over. She lines up in the evening for her treat with the big guys and sleeps in the salon area at night in her bed just like one of the Danes.
She has her own life jacket, pink of course. It fits like a glove and should work really well. It's been too cold to try it out yet but I'm sure it'll keep her afloat.
We got the Danes large bones the other day but Coco decided that hers was just a might large. She mainly just looked at it as if she was trying to figure out what the heck it was. She prefers her smaller treats.