How 'bout some quick pics - here are ten from the delightful town of Trapani on Sicily's west coast. Up on the hill is tiny Erice with a fantastic view of the harbor where we had a superb anchorage just off the marinas. Excellent protection from all winds, good holding and little traffic. It's an appealing old town that blends African Tunisian elements with Italian tradition.

Trapani owes its prosperity to its former reputation for coral and the salt pans in the marshes which used to be pumped full of sea water by the windmills and today are a lucrative industry. You can see how vast the pans are. And, of course, there's fishing - this old boy immediately latched onto Katherine when she went into his frozen locker to ask for some ice. He seemed much more interested in heating things up, but the tuna were magnificent. Below are shots of the center of the fishing action.
Here's a view of the picturesque beach and apartments to the north of the harbor in the old town.
Scenes around town.
Julia and Vincenzo came down for a day from their place in Castelluzzo near Capo lo San Vito and we explored Trapani's Centro Storico with its 16th century churches and the impressive town hall. Of course, delectable Sicilian pastries abounded - these being marzipan delights.
Couldn't resist this classic "old town" scene with its colorful awnings and "real life" feel.
In the afternoon Vicenzo and Julia took us for a real treat to meet their friends who run a family cheese making shop called "Ingardia". While Craig and Vicenzo check out the delicious offerings, Katherine met the family, from Grandma, quite chic in her "Boca" glasses to daughter and granddaughter.
And while the women were inside running the shop, Dad was tending to his fresh tomatoes. Julia demonstrates how not to eat one, namely by taking a bite - you've got to pop it in your mouth whole. Craig bit his and embarrassingly squirted juice all over the worker's back - but he took it in good humor and we all had a great laugh.
We capped the evening off with a wonderful dinner at the restaurant next to the Museo del Sale - Salt Museum - with it's restored windmill. Friends of Julia and Vicenzo joined us and the girls posed for some last pics.