560 Miles Out
22 October 2015
It is now the early hours if Friday 23rd October NZ a time - we have crossed the International Date Line but still a way off the 'true' date change where longitude 180W and 180 East are the same line on the chart. We are currently at 175W.
Two days since the last post and progress continues slowly, or sedately as described by weather man Bruce Buckley. Both days we have been able to run under genaker and make good time - Wednesday 56 miles in 6 hours in a SE'ly and yesterday a bit less in a NE that just on dusk turned into a light SE so again two nights of motoring. However the gap between our motoring distance (diesel remaining) and the distance to Auckland is narrowing but still 150 miles. Tthe forecast for today is a continuation of under 10 knots of pressure.
The good news from the fishing department is one good size tuna landed, one good size MahiMahi lost at the stern and one very big strike that took the line at a million miles an hour and to quickly to even get the rod out of the rod holder with the result that as the line was fully taken the handle of the rod broke!!
Other than fishing life is quiet on board, no other signs of humanity since seeing the hospital ship several days ago. But at least sunny days although noticeably cooler now.
Keith, Goran & John