30 August 2019
Nerida Matthews | 29 degrees, wind currently 7 knots

27-30 August
We are currently anchored in a beautiful bay off the island of Archangelos, at the northern end of Leros. The water in the bay is crystal clear and aqua blue. Yesterday we had a rather strange phenomena, clouds! We have not seen a could in the sky for weeks. Today the clouds have disappeared and we have beautiful blue skies, a light breeze and 29 degrees. There were 27 boats anchored here yesterday from a vast range of countries. Boats included Greek, Turkish, British, Irish, French, Dutch, German, Belgium, Swedish, Romanian, Austrian, Swiss, Italian and us Australia. Today we met a couple from Brisbane who were on a charter boat.
Yesterday we went ashore to the taverna for lunch. The only way you can access the taverna is via boat and their dinghy dock was packed. The taverna specialises in local produce and we had a beautiful meal of tzatziki, Greek salad and pork slowly cooked in white wine, all washed down with local white wine. It was delicious and very cheap!
We are going to relax here for two more days before heading to the town of Lakki on Leros, where we will collect our friend Naomi. We only have a bit over two weeks left on SCII before returning to base. It is hard to believe that this year’s sailing is nearly over but we still have a few weeks of fun before heading to Morocco.