Scot Free Eh

Our travels on our 1985 Hylas 42, airplanes & 1977 GMC Classic Land Yacht

23 April 2016 | California
14 April 2016 | Northbound - Baja California
10 April 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
02 April 2016
01 April 2016 | Costa Baja Resort & Marina
26 March 2016 | Sea of Cortez, Baja California Sur
13 March 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
13 March 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
13 March 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
08 March 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
07 March 2016 | Baja California Sur
06 March 2016 | Costa Baja Resort & Marina
06 March 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
06 March 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
06 March 2016 | La Paz Bay
28 January 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
27 January 2016 | Playa Santispac to La Paz, Baja California Sur
22 December 2015 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
22 December 2015 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Keepin' on Heading North

23 April 2016 | California
We visited in San Diego, next stop San Clemente. Al & Kathy have secured us a great spot by the beach - San Onofre (of the Beach Boys song fame!) When we arrived, there was a sign taped to the picnic table.

We have the best spot - look at our view.

We love camping!

We join Kathy & Al for dinner at their home. We are about to sit down, and Al breaks out this amazing bottle of 1975 Sterling Vineyards Reserve Cabernet Savignon.... we are speechless... this wine is older than our children.... older than our motor home... "are you sure you want to open this incredible wine?" Al's answer was the best "HELLYA!" So we opened it and gently and carefully poured 4 glasses. It was amazing!! One of the best wines we have ever had. Thank you! Thank you!

Al & Kathy recommended Morro Bay as a next stop. We headed north. We are on the ramp to the freeway. WHAT WAS THAT? A big bang! We pulled off the freeway and found a mechanic. We were in luck. Not only did we find a mechanic, we found grandpa, grandson & great grandson at the garage.

While we chatted with grandpa, the younger two were under the coach looking for anything that may look suspicious.

The youngest was handing tools to his dad, dad was letting grandpa know that he couldn't see anything that looked weird. John & grandpa agreed that we were good to go, so we left. Great experience and no charge!

As we neared our destination, we passed Pismo Beach. Hey, don't Mary & Kirk live in Pismo Beach? I'm on the phone... Mary was home and would make the drive out! Yippee!

As we closed in, we saw the big rock at the entrance of Morro Bay. |We sailed in here with Scot Free Eh in 2012!

In about an hour, look who pulled in... It's Mary!

We had a wonderful visit! We missed Kirk - he was in Puerto Escondido on the boat. It was lovely to see you Mary!

On the Road Again - Northbound

14 April 2016 | Northbound - Baja California
First stop - Loreto! We have left Graham at the bus depot in La Paz and we are on our own... Not sure how we feel about leaving our winter's home of the last 4 winters... No more misty eyes! New adventures await!

We arrived in Loreto at 5 pm and set up camp. What a great spot. Family run and very quaint. Honour system laundry - you do your laundry and then tell them how many of which you have done! Love it!

Day 2 is a short one - Loreto to Playa Santispac. It is only 2 hours by coach - Pep-Eh seems to know where we are headed.

This is by far the most beautiful spot of all the places we have been on the Baja and the mainland. This is Pep-Eh's birthplace too. He travelled 15 miles to the town of Mulege as a wee puppy to where he adopted us back in 2013.

Pep-Eh has discovered that he can chase fish!

He didn't catch any, but he did swim around like that for about 45 minutes. He was one tired pupppy!

We met the crews from s/v Sonrisa & s/v Landover on the beach today. Landover were in need of some groceries and we were able to help them out.

We visited Armandos on the beach for a last cold Negra Modelo - what a great view!

Our next stop is San Ignacio. We wanted to find a spot on the river in the oasis, but we decided on the famous Rice & Beans. We met Orton & Deb and Dave & Marg there. They are also northbound in their motorhomes.

We enjoyed the company! Pep-Eh had a traumatic day - he had pulled his dew claw nail up and we had quite an experience at the vet in Santa Rosalia. Enough said about that. Next stop is El Rosario - we have stayed here every trip north or south!

Time for a bit of comic relief!

We keep up the pace - our trip home will take us through the "Ruta del Vino" and the Guadalupe Valley. It is very beautiful here.

We camp at the Rancho Sordo Mudo. Looks like they have had a lot of rain last year.

We are border bound!

We will cross the border at Tecate.

We are awaiting our turn at the border and it is April 19, 2016.

And guess what? There is a wall!!

Almost our turn! Yes, we have no contriband - no eggs, no potatoes and no limes.

We are back in the USA! Miles per hour....

Last visits in La Paz

10 April 2016 | La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Our season in La Paz is drawing to an end for this year. We made some last minute memories!

Our schedules lined up and Jeanne & Tom of s/vEagle and La Paz Cruiser's Supply came over for dinner!

What a fun time that was! Jeanne & Tom have been a huge part of our cruising years here in La Paz. Always a wealth of information and they are able to get what you need or what you are looking for. It is difficult to express in words just what these two mean to us!

We didn't get to meet "Pancho" the Eaglet, but you have to save something for the next time...

The sunsets have been amazing!

We had dinner with Gena & Paul from s/v Scarlet Fever at one of our favourite spots in La Paz - Sorstis!

Graham got another weekend of kite boarding in.

One last visit to the best french bakery in all of Baja and maybe even Canada & the USA too - Dolce Romero - for delicious french baguette!

Pep-Eh is happy to be wherever we are.

We helped Graham take s/v Arctic Tern out on a sea trial to test his newly installed auto pilot. Welcome aboard "Otto"!

Got to say "see you later" to Erica who has been our very accommodating laundress while we are in La Paz. You'd almost think she was dutch her laundry is that good!

One last visit to Mesquite - another of our favourite hang outs. Chateau Briand for two - unbelievable!

Scot Free Eh is all put to bed. Bimini & solar panels are off and stowed. Fore sail is off and stowed. Dinghy is partially deflated, covered and securely tied down. Mainsail & cover are securely lashed for high winds.

Everything is ready for transit.... this year we are shipping Scot Free Eh back to Vancouver via freighter. We have loved every second of our four seasons here in Mexico. When we retired in 2012, we headed south without being retired in our home cruising grounds. We really want to be the people who don't have to raise anchor on Sunday to be home for work on Monday. This summer we will cruise the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We know that Mexico is just a hop, skip & a jump away!

Our 1977 GMC Classis coach - Eh-Train - is loaded and ready to roll. The "little black jeep of the family" is hooked up and ready to tow. We are northbound to Canada. Should take us a month (ish) to be back home in Vancouver.

We timed our departure so that we could give Graham a ride to the bus - we didn't want to miss a second that we could be hanging out with him before he left to go north for the summer.

Dock family heads north

02 April 2016
Life on the dock - we love our dock family. As the season draws to a close for another year, we have to say "so long" to our friends. Alas, it is time for s/v Warren Peace to head north.

There have been road trips, safety meetings, potluck dinners, dinners out, sailing trips, shopping and more shopping! We've had a fabulous time with you, Sharon & John.

Here's John in his natural habitat!

We will miss you both!

With m/v Venus to send you off, we will see you soon. Fair winds.....

April Fool's Day in La Paz

01 April 2016 | Costa Baja Resort & Marina
There had been much plotting leading up to April Fool's Day. Our boat neighbours have two lovely daughters, Giada, 9 and Alba, 6. As you can remember, April Fool's Day is a BIG deal! Especially when there are 4 adults to prank.... The girls had many questions daily on what may or may not be suitable for the upcoming morning. Thank goodness that I was involved! Some gentle redirecting of energy and voila! We pranked the

Where DID all these wee little girlie flip flops & shoes come from?

Has anyone seen my shoes?

Doesn't... quite... fit...

You could've heard the laughter all the way out at Isla Espiritu Santo! We had so much fun... But wait there's more!

We buddy boated for a final trip this season. Off we went with s/v Giada Marina & s/v Arctic Tern & s/v Scot Free Eh. We had wanted to do this for the last 4 seasons - the time was right!

Dinner aboard Scot Free Eh night one anchored in Ensenada Grande!

Alba found a predecessor of Nimo....

Graham got the girls ready for a snorkel.

Alessandro had made a spear gun and took it out for a trial. He came back very successful!

We were in awe of this beautiful fish. In the crystal clear blue waters, Alex thought it was a green fish.

... and where's your fish? ...

Who doesn't love having their hair styled on the beach? Alessandro is also an accomplished hair stylist... he brought out the scissors & cape and the lovely Dariella as his assistant.

It was quite breezy which added an element of difficulty but it didn't stop Alex!

I love it!

There was opportunity for the girls to do some drawing. Alba drew this for us...

and this from Giada - for "Ant" Debbie....

Giada's detail is so well done. You can easily see who is who!

Three Amigos together again

26 March 2016 | Sea of Cortez, Baja California Sur
Waaaay back in the day, think late 60's, there was a group of young men who were in the hotel apprentice program studying by day, playing by night. They were in Harrison Hot Springs at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort!! Tough spot for sure...

These three date back to 1966 - they met at the resort and were all living/studying in an amazing setting.

Paul was coming to La Paz for a visit and very randomly, Karl was in San Diego on a trip from his homeland of Germany. Karl emailed that he would like to come visit while he was in San Diego.... we couldn't have planned it better! A toast to Karl while we wait for his arrival.

The three schoolmates - together after 45 years!

The Baja California Sur weather gnomes were still at it, big north winds for multiple days, not the conditions you would want to take company out sailing in. However, there are many places to go and explore! First stop, Todos Santos.

Karl, your friends back home will be jealous!

The Baja lifestyle starts with this!

The Todos Santos Inn is still one of our favourite spots.

Time for lunch and a refreshing beverage! El Truinfo is one of our "gotta go there" stops when on a land tour.

There were many moments where we asked "Dutton, where are you?!"

A break in the weather! We took advantage and headed out for the day.

Whale Shark Whisperer Graham is on board! We hope to have our guests up close and personal with these majestic Sea of Cortez residents.

We had a lovely sail out to where the whale sharks feed.

Getting organized!

There were some sightings and swimming with the whale sharks. The winds went away so we motored to Los Lobos to anchor for lunch and a snorkel. Paul is in the groove on the foredeck.

Snorkeler in the water!

Shore party dispatched!

After a most relaxing day spent enjoying the beauty of the Sea of Cortez, it was back to the dock and the reality that all company eventually has to head home. Here Karl is as close to the Yukon as he's ever been.

Have a great flight Karl, to San Diego & then home.

Vessel Name: Scot Free EH
Vessel Make/Model: 1985 Hylas 42 - 002
Hailing Port: Vancouver, BC
Crew: John & Deb & Pep-Eh
Deb and John are realizing their dream of sailing the world, leaving port in Vancouver , BC and seeing where the wind takes them, with many adventures along the way. We have spent the last three seasons in the Sea of Cortez. [...]
Extra: We've been adopted! While in Mulege, Baja California Sur, we were adopted by a street puppy. We enjoy every minute of every day with him. He is very much at home on the boat or in the dinghy - it is as if he was born to do this! His name is Pep-EH
Scot Free EH's Photos - Photos by Emma Devin
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Added 26 September 2012