Carpe diem has a new blog
10 February 2012
I just found out that Sail blogs doesn't allow tons of photos in the blog.
So I would like to invite you to see all the recent upgrades to our boat
at our other blog. It's at and it's titled "Off 2 Sea The World"
Thank you. I am not sure if this link will work, but here goes
Scott and Annie
Link to our current blog with actual photos.
20 November 2011
I just found out that Sail blogs doesn't allow tons of photos in the blog.
So I would like to invite you to see all the recent upgrades to our boat
at our other blog. It's at and it's titled "Off 2 Sea The World"
Thank you. I am not sure if this link will work, but here goes
Scott and Annie
Getting anxious to take off
18 January 2010

When will we make an Ocean Crossing?
I read that,
1. Of all the people who dream of sailing away, it's estimated that about 5% actually go sailing.
2. Of those who have actually gone sailing at one time or another, only about 5% are ever on the water for more than seven days at a time.
3. Of those who have spent at least one continuous week on the water, about 5% actually buy a boat.
4. Of those people who have bought a boat, about 5% move aboard to live.
5. Of all liveaboards, only about 5% sell all of their onshore possessions.
6. Of those who have sold everything, about 5% quit their jobs.
7. Of those liveaboards who are no longer encumbered by onshore employment, about 5% leave the dock to cruise coastal waters.
8. And of those coastal cruisers, about 5% ever make an ocean crossing.
Well when I did the math, out of one million people who dream of sailing, only 25,000 actually buy a boat. And, of that number, only 625 actually "live" on that boat. And then only 31 couples or individuals, actually sell everything, quit their jobs, and go off to see the world. Considering we are already in that 31 number, I expect we will make it to the Bahamas and beyond...someday!