Bert terHart's Epic Journey

Bert, a resident of Gabriola island, BC, left Victoria on Vancouver Island for his lifelong dream of sailing single-handed around the world, west to east, via the five capes, using only celestial navigation, and all in seven months.

Safe home for many months

Hello to all Bert's followers on his amazing voyage. Don Butt here, the administrator of Bert's blog.

Bert arrived safely home to Gabriola Island first of August, 2020 after a two-week stay in Victoria, BC, his first landfall in 266 days. As...

A farewell from the blog administrator

It's Don Butt here, a friend of Bert and Nani, a fellow instructor in the Gabriola Power and Sail Squadron (CPS-ECP), and the administrator for the blog documenting Bert's epic voyage around the world. Bert has sent via satellite daily accounts of his...

The Pointed End

Infantry soldiers are sometimes referred to as the pointed end of the stick. It is that end that does all the damage. It is that end you notice. The rest of the stick, the vast majority of it, is lost in a veil of tears. Back in my day, for every soldier in...


I have been sailing at 1 knot or less for hours towards a tidal gate at Race Rocks I know is closed to me by a strong ebb. It is agonizingly close, but I am travelling at an excruciating pace.

The only saving grace beyond what lies just 8 mils...


Th 5 Capes Voyage has been a never ending parade of firsts for me. An incredibly diverse journey that has surpassed all that I could have imagined it to be. And suddenly, in a blink of an eye, the lasts come tumbling at me too fast to bring into focus let...


At 0635 local (1535Z) 17 July the mountains bordering the west coast of Vancouver Island rose out of the fog that has been tracking us East. Landfall. In Canada.

Who would have believed it a year ago? I was barely able to dream it, let alone...