Bert terHart's Epic Journey

Bert, a resident of Gabriola island, BC, left Victoria on Vancouver Island for his lifelong dream of sailing single-handed around the world, west to east, via the five capes, using only celestial navigation, and all in seven months.

Gray Days

We've had a succession of days like this. The sun has been in very short supply and rain threatens under every cloud. It is not unlike winter weather back home. Most people I know travel thousands of miles to escape the dreadful gray dreariness. Seems we've traveled thousands to find it.

A significant low that overruns us on Thursday and Friday looks to be the last significant obstacle before the Cape of Good Hope. So far we've been busy dodging seamounts, tablemounts, severe weather, and last but not least, rogue gyres spin off the main body of the Agulhas Current.

Somewhere out there in the vastness of the South Atlantic, someone is preparing to throw a kitchen sink our way.
