Bert terHart's Epic Journey

Bert, a resident of Gabriola island, BC, left Victoria on Vancouver Island for his lifelong dream of sailing single-handed around the world, west to east, via the five capes, using only celestial navigation, and all in seven months.


We are almost through with the more severe weather of this low. The wind is down to 30 knots with forays into the upper 20's. The waves are no longer building and the sun has shouldered its way through the overcast. We now wait for the wind to gradually drop before an abrupt shift to the south.

Winds peaked at 39 gusting 46 knots. Seas I can get only estimate at something less than spreader height. They were certainly every bit the forecast height of 6-7m.

For me it will be a constant coming and going on deck as we need speed to maneuver and steer. With only limited course options, boat speed is hard to come by. Anything too different than dead down wind has us being hammered hard by the secondary and tertiary swell (NW 6-8' and SW 4-6' reapectively). Westerly wind waves are still 15' plus and the inevitable accidental gybes shake the whole boat.

The shift south will also bring southerly wind waves so there is still something some teeth left in this blow. Fingers crossed for the next 8-12 hours...
