Bert terHart's Epic Journey

Bert, a resident of Gabriola island, BC, left Victoria on Vancouver Island for his lifelong dream of sailing single-handed around the world, west to east, via the five capes, using only celestial navigation, and all in seven months.


Tonight, this night will be my last night off soundings. It will be my last night at sea, sailing the open ocean. Tomorrow night I will be in the Straits of Juan de Fuca anxiously watching the commercial traffic steam past while the tide does with me whatever it chooses. Although I am rushing to get there, I am filled with anxiety about arriving.

Tomorrow I know will be literally oceans apart from what I am doing now. Strangely, now is comfortable. Now I know. It is the polar opposite of my feelings when I was near this very spot last October.

Between October and now I have tried to create windows into my tiny world. Glimpses into my experiences, good, bad or otherwise, as I experienced them. I cannot say if I succeeded as what resonates with one, another is deaf to. What then can be said of success if a thing produces two or more wildly different outcomes? Are we to take the average and force-feed ourselves mediocracy? I hope not.

Success it seemed to me lay in honesty. Which I suppose is rather obvious. But it is something else to be honest while trying to capture yourself and your feelings all the while wishing you could open a hole in the ocean and crawl in. Or out depending on your mood. In that, I can say I tried. And if I succeeded in any way, it is only because I made, as they say, an honest effort.

I wish to say thank you for sharing this adventure with me. How lucky can one person be? How blessed? Although a world apart from everything and everybody, I have never felt more connected and more a part of it than I have during these past few incredibly rich and extraordinary months. And for that I will be forever grateful.
