Bert terHart's Epic Journey

Bert, a resident of Gabriola island, BC, left Victoria on Vancouver Island for his lifelong dream of sailing single-handed around the world, west to east, via the five capes, using only celestial navigation, and all in seven months.


Th 5 Capes Voyage has been a never ending parade of firsts for me. An incredibly diverse journey that has surpassed all that I could have imagined it to be. And suddenly, in a blink of an eye, the lasts come tumbling at me too fast to bring into focus let alone comprehend.

I turned around in the cockpit and saw this. The last sunset I will see on this voyage. There will be other sunsets of course, but not on this trip. Thinking that, the colours grew brighter, the clouds more dramatic, the sea more reflective all in an attempt to make this one standout all the more as if being the last wasn't enough.

My mind however refuses last. It simply cannot be. I only left yesterday. And is there still not work to do as there has been every day for as long as I can remember? Last. I cannot fathom last.

But there are more lasts that I've just not noticed. The last of the swell is gone. We sail on a parking lot. I saw my last Black Brow Albatross yesterday. The last high seas forecast. If the lasts keep piling up, the end cannot be far. And perhaps that is what my mind is rebelling against.
