Bahamian Bus
01 December 2008 | Freeport, Bahamas

Have you ever used mass-transit to get around town? Taking the bus in Freeport, Bahamas is probably different from anything you have experienced before (if you are from Canada or the USA).
The Freeport bus system is fascinating; organized into a system of bus routes, buses are privately owned and operated businesses. Individual drivers buy a bus & a license and are assigned a particular route. Each driver decides when he will operate, to take advantage of the demand. So....schedule is not exactly every x number of minutes, but as each driver perceives the demand.
The buses are probably quite different than you are used to. Very similar to the size of a mini-van, these Japanese buses have an ingenious system of folding seats to pack in an incredible number of passengers.
Though this might sound funny, the system works very well; customer service is very good (deviating from route to drop passenger at or near homes) and operates at NO cost to municipality (unlike systems in Canada or USA).