New Marina, New Home.
19 December 2008 | Freeport, Bahamas

When we arrived here on Grand Bahama, we docked behind an apartment building owned by a friend of a friend. Because we are here to preach the Gospel, he gave us a very discounted rate and welcomed us to the island. We stayed there for a month, as we adjusted to the new culture, made new friends and learned to get around the island on foot, bicycle and city bus.
The location is a bit isolated and with few people around. Jacquie and Ben made friends with a couple kids who live in the apartment building, Michael and Mia. Every day our kids would watch the clock 'till Michael and Mia would be home from school, studies done, baths taken and they could come out to play around 5:30, for a few minutes before sunset.
After a while I could see that it was a little hard for Sue and the kids to be isolated in a new country, with few people around and without a reasonable way to get anywhere by themselves. One day, Sue mentioned that there were an awful lot of Canadian boats in the marina around the corner in the next canal. To be honest, I didn't know there was a marina around the corner (not paying attention I guess). I hopped in the dingy right then and buzzed over to the next canal and chatted with some of the boaters (mostly Canadian). After a few days, we moved Seawing to the new marina. Boaters are so helpful, we'd not even made it to our new slip when they spotted us and a crowd of them ran to the docks to take lines and help us into our new home.
Though a little more money, it is still quite affordable (cheaper than living in Canada by far) and far easier for my family. There are lots and lots of other boaters to meet and socialize with, tourist to meet (also a time-share resort) and great facilities. We are now able to enjoy two pools, a hot-tub, free dinner and games Monday nights (kids are building their wardrobe by winning t-shirts most weeks), shuttle to the beach daily, grocery runs weekly and more. We are enjoying it here & it allows me to freely go downtown and preach every day without feeling like I'm leaving my family all alone.
Wanna come visit?