Boat Stove Doctor
10 December 2008 | Freeport, Bahamas

Cooking aboard. Sue began to want to bake and cook more than one can easily do on a stovetop. We'd not used the oven in a long time, but fired it up and began to bake things. It first we thought that maybe the temperature adjustment was off calibration, and began to adjust lower and lower to no avail. I began to mess with the stove and opening it up found that there was a broken wire....the stove would fire-up, come up to temperature and simply keep heating hotter, hotter and hotter....not good when one is baking.
I got on the web and began to search for parts & service for a Hillrange marine stove...and found that parts for this stove are no longer made....bummer. I did find, however, that the Boat Stove Doctor in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida stocks some part and rebuilds others. I removed the whole valve and thermostat assembly and couriered it off to Ft. Lauderdale....hoping its be back to cook Christmas Dinner (it was not to happen). We didn't end up getting this back 'till January, but John at Boat Stove Doctor was very helpful & can apparently fix, find and fabricate all kinds of boat parts....good guy to have in your corner.